Banking and Finance

Work in this field includes advising banks, finance companies, insurance companies, etc. on finance institution laws and regulations, often in connection with structuring innovative financing products. We have helped structure new forms of loan, equity and quasi-equity transactions. Our expertise covers the drafting or reviewing of both local and international loan transactions, including loan syndications, structuring and implementing various forms of security for credit extended, as well as creating financing and securitization instruments. We have dealt with loan work out situations. We have worked with more than 75 foreign financial institutions with regard to their interests in Thailand, in one form or another. We have also served as lawyers for the borrowers from time to time

Our opinion and assistance are also sought on the regulatory and compliance aspects. We review and revise operation manuals for clients.

We assisted with the Thai legal aspects of the global mergers of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank and of the Chemical Bank-Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
Practice Areas : Banking, Finance, Investments, Natural Resources, Arbitration, International Business Transactions.


Managing Director / Senior Partner

Practice Areas : Banking, Finance, Taxation, Trade Competition, Telecommunication and all aspects of Commercial Law.


Senior Associate